In Prayer

Simon continues our series in Ephesians looking at two of Paul’s mighty prayers. We’re encouraged to take some of what we learn from Paul into our own prayer lives.

In Christ

Ephesians 1:1-14 – Sophie starts our new sermon series looking at Ephesians. As part of her talk she handed out a printed copy of the Bible text so that people could make notes and circle some of the spiritual blessings as we worked through the text. If you’re listening online, you might like to have the verses in front of you as well.

Mission & The Holy Spirit

We welcome our guest speaker Dr Gerard Charles from OMF to speak about the Holy Spirit and Mission. He shares from his own experiences as a missionary and uses Acts 1:1-11 to help us think about our own call to be witnesses.

Spiritual Gifts

Sophie refers to I Corinthians chapter 12 to set some foundations for thinking about spiritual gifts

Come, all who are thirsty

Sophie invites us to come and wait on God and receive His gift of the Holy Spirit to each and everyone of us