Psalm 23

Sophie starts our new sermon series looking at Psalms 22-24 by talking about Psalm 23, ‘The lord’s my shepherd’.

In community

Bishop Philip explores how we can know and use the variety of gifts that God has given us in order to be part of the community, the body of Christ, that God calls us to be. (Ephesians 4)

Rooted, Suited and Booted

This week Rev. Ben Hudd challenges us about our relationship with Jesus, God’s gift to us, so that, with His protection, we step out and serve Him. (Ephesians 6: 10-20)

In relationships

Rev. Bill Stuart-White talks about what it means to be rooted in our relationships with each other and rooted in our relationship with Christ. (Ephesians 4:25)

Life Support

Michael Simbeye and Nathanael Edwards, who head up Life Support Charity (one of our mission partnerships), share more about the charity’s work in Zambia and Malawi.