Revealing Jesus

A series where we look at the character of Jesus.

Jesus Revealed… As Fully God

The Transfiguration.  God reveals himself in Jesus, but we have a choice whether we respond to this revelation or not. We can choose to be drawn closer to God in love and worship or we can choose to keep him at a distance. Jesus is inviting each one of us today to come closer.

Jesus Revealed… At a Party!

In today’s All In service, one of our curates, David, uses the story in John chapter 2, where Jesus turns water into wine, to explore 5 aspects of Jesus’ character.

Jesus Revealed… with immense power

Sophie brings her last talk to New Street. Referring to the story in Luke chapter 5 where Jesus demonstrates his power to his disciples, Sophie encourages us to reach out with high expectation and in faith that when we worship and listen to Jesus, he is faithful, his power is limitless and his love is unending. She invites us, as individuals and as a church, to step out in faith that, together with Jesus, we can continue to grow and serve Him in this community.

Jesus Revealed… In the Temple

Simeon and Anna were promised they would see the Lord. They waited and waited… and the promise was fulfilled in Luke chapter 2. Revd. Geoff Davis takes a step back in time, shares his story and asks us how does the examples of Simeon and Anna inspire us as we wait and trust in God’s promises through our Christian journeys? 

Jesus Revealed… In Unity

In the Week of Prayer for Christian unity, Revd Amanda Denniss, one of our congregation, explores why Jesus’ final command that his people be one is so important. Why is unity more than just being nice, but something radical, subversive, and transformative of our lives, our church, and our wider world?