Revealing Jesus

A series where we look at the character of Jesus.

Jesus Revealed… On the Road to Emmaus

We explore what the risen Jesus is speaking into our lives today through Luke’s account of two disciples meeting Jesus on the road to Emmaus.

Jesus Revealed… On the Cross

Triumph, Tragedy, Tribulation. Rev’d Geoff Davis reminds us that Jesus is the only One who can bring us and the world through the ‘Tragedies’ and ‘Tribulations’ of life to ‘Triumph’ through the glorious victory He won on the Cross. As He cried ‘It is finished’ (John 19 v 30). The symbol of shame and defeat is now the emblem of victory over sin and death. (1 Corinthians 1 vs 23-24). ‘Look to the Cross and Live’

Jesus Revealed… Through Betrayal

This story of Peter in Luke 22 gives us hope that when we get things wrong and let Jesus down, there is a way for us to turn back to him.  Jesus freely forgives us and gives us a fresh opportunity to serve him and experience his love.

Jesus Revealed… On a Donkey

Looking ahead to Easter, David unpacks the story of Palm Sunday when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, exploring what it means for us to live humbly in a world that praises a particular version of strength and power.

Jesus Revealed… In Broken Bread

The Last Supper. Nick Jarrett-Kerr, one of our congregation, goes through Luke 22:7-20 and explains how Jesus reveals himself as God, completely breaking with the old rituals by using the symbols of Passover to reveal the meaning of his coming death for our salvation. The broken bread was his broken body, and the wine was his blood that would establish a new covenant relationship between God and his people, and assures his presence with us always.