A Life Following Jesus

Enjoying the kingdom of Light.

Love in Practice

Amanda reminds us that the heart of the gospel is to put Jesus at the centre of our life and make Him our Lord, to love Him and through Him our love for one another and our relationships with flourish. Paul, says in his letter to the Colossians (chapter 3 verses 1- 17) that God wants us to flourish and to bring love and transformation to the people we touch day by day.

Resurrected with Christ

Ben Hudd, referring to chapter 2 of Paul’s letter to the Colossians, tells us what it really means to be resurrected with Christ.

Glorious riches of the gospel

Charles Blizzard takes us through Colossians chapter 1 verses 24 – chapter 2 verse 5 and reminds us of the glorious riches of the gospel and challenges us that we are to be a channel through which the gospel is further revealed.

Jesus the fullness of God

Charles Blizzard takes us through Colossians chapter 1, verses 15 to 23 and talks about the supremacy of Jesus Christ.

Enjoying the Kingdom of Light

Amanda opens our new series on the letter Paul wrote to the Colossians church called ‘A Life Following Jesus’, where Paul encourages them and us to put our security in Jesus.