Waiting for Jesus

Advent and Christmas for us can be so noisy and busy. This year perhaps God is inviting us again to make time for quiet prayer.   Zechariah waited in silence nine months then when his miracle son was born he sang forth an incredible song of praise to the Lord.


Bishop Hugh challenges us; we have a lot to learn about the equality of men and women and we can learn that from Mary, how Mary was prepared by God’s grace for Jesus and Mary, in turn, prepared Jesus to be the Jesus God needed Him to be; how we can bring about a more just world into being. What do we need to learn from Mary and Jesus about our responsibilities as we prepare ourselves and others around us for Jesus’ coming.


Advent is the time we look forward to the coming of Jesus. Amanda takes us through the story of Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth as they Pray, Prepare and Praise God for the birth of their son, John, and she reminds us of the importance of praising God for all He is doing in our lives at this time.